
It's in Our Nature


Trust is built on credibility, and credibility comes from acting in others’ interests before your own.

Stephen Denny

The credibility of a pod of orcas

To witness these magnificent creatures majestically cruising through the fjord or wave-riding the ocean swells – a pod of orcas is an impressive and incredible sight indeed. Orcas are great examples of teamwork, communication and mutual trust. As tight-knit family groups, they develop effective and cooperative techniques and use a wide variety of sophisticated sounds to communicate with each other even over great distances. Research has shown that orca families pass down their own distinct culture and techniques through generations. Their appearance builds instant credibility as it seems their team coordination is intellectual problem-solving as its best.

Building credibility together


Building credibility together

Like Orcas, we learn from one another and follow the lead of our more experienced team members. We understand good leadership will build more credible individuals and nurture strong bonds among Reddalians. Our credibility is measured by the success of the organization and our clients as a whole, not by the achievements of individuals – Reddal is greater than the sum of its parts.

Credibility is cultivated by fairness

It's in Out Nature

Credibility is cultivated by fairness

Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.

Victor Hugo

Fairness is a Necessity - Like Air

Fairness and equality are the cornerstones of our culture and prerequisites for our success. We provide all employees with equal opportunities to learn and develop, and fairness is visible in our everyday interactions. That is why Reddalians are a culturally and academically rich and diverse team with versatile know-how and knowledge. We demand absolute tolerance and open-mindedness. We dare to apologize, and we have the strength to forgive.

Impartiality is a Reddal virtue


Impartiality is a Reddal virtue

Being impartial is a fundamental principle at Reddal. A person’s worth is not measured in glitter and badges. We evaluate deeds over testimonies. Favoritism or discrimination has no place at Reddal. As Reddalians, we have a strong sense of fairness. And it is only fair and just to give credit for accomplishments and successes. Constructive feedback increases self-awareness, which in turn improves the ability to develop.


“Willing to take responsibility”

"Our clients ask for our help in solving the most difficult problems they face in their businesses. They trust our ability to help them and believe that we are the best partner for them. I think that is the most concrete way to understand credibility in my everyday work at Reddal.

Credibility is guiding my actions as one of Reddal core values. I want to be trusted by the clients I work with, so I make sure I deliver high-quality work and concrete results in my projects. I also want to build my own credibility by learning new skills and developing my capabilities. At Reddal, I have been able to learn from other people and receive frequent feedback to keep developing continuously. I have also been able to share my own learnings and contribute to our knowledge development.

I think Reddal culture is playing a big part in our credibility. I fully trust my colleagues and I know that I am being treated equally in the opportunities I get. I also appreciate the support I get from the entire company. At Reddal I have learnt to approach problems objectively and systematically and admit when I do not have the answers immediately. I know that we can find solutions for the most difficult problems and that our clients trust us to do so."

Reddal Helsinki

Our Core Values



Courage is nourished by kindness


Our Core Values



Credibility is cultivated by fairness


Our Core Values



Creativity is multiplied by openness
