Boosting sales performance management through iterative lean start-up type approach
20 December 2016 — Improving sales performance management is a straightforward way to focus efforts where they can bring most value. Developing sales performance management through lean start-up type methodology can help companies leverage existing growth opportunities more effectively without wasting resources.
The untapped business opportunity in Southeast Asia – productivity improvement
30 March 2016 — Low productivity is the main challenge facing Southeast Asian economies. There is a macroeconomic imperative to boost productivity but implementation is difficult. In this article, we address automation, efficiency and human capital development as key new business development areas in the region.
Growth by value selling – B2B offering development through a customer-centric approach
16 September 2015 — As companies strive to expand their global presence, and the availability of products and services increases rapidly, competitive pressure is growing due to market saturation and commoditization. As offerings become increasingly similar, companies should involve their customers in offering development.
B2B productization for improved sales process efficiency and demand validation
19 December 2014 — Sales and marketing competences are often still at a premature stage in many Finnish technology-oriented companies. In this article the concept and basic approach of B2B productization is presented and illustrated with some real-life case examples from a Finnish technology company.
Implementing dynamic pricing for smart revenue management
19 December 2014 — Dynamic pricing is a revenue management process where the products or services are priced differently depending on the current demand and supply conditions in the market. This article describes how dynamic pricing can be utilized to improve the top line – from setting up the objectives to execution of revenue management.
Revenue growth from existing customer base
26 June 2014 — Growth strategies typically focus on diversification and expansion into new areas. Reddal also has talked about the importance of venturing into new areas. This article describes how to run a growth program for existing customers as a systematic process – from identifying the growth accounts and their potential, to managing and following up the sales execution.
Applying an iterative “lean startup” approach to geographic expansion
2 October 2013 — “Lean Startup” is an increasingly prevalent doctrine for startups around the world. In addition to product development, the lean startup ideas and best practices can be applied in corporations more broadly especially for new corporate business ventures and, particularly, market expansion for globally ambitious companies.
From pricing theories to concrete analyses, decisions and actions
20 June 2012 — Everyone acknowledges that pricing is a key contributor for business results. However, pricing is much more than setting up a right price level. This article gives an overview on how pricing analytics should be done, what are the key decision points in a pricing model and what must be taken into account to ensure a successful implementation of a pricing model.