Manufacturers, make your brand portfolio work again in China

Manufacturers, make your brand portfolio work again in China

6 July 2020 — Consolidating Reddal’s learnings in China from the past few years, this article shares some observations on the dynamics of industrial goods market segmentation. It offers a continuous and iterative approach for industrial players to respond to these changing market aspects by revising their brand portfolio strategy.

Capturing the neglected consumption growth potential in China

Capturing the neglected consumption growth potential in China

29 June 2020 — Based on Reddal’s work in China over the past few years and recent insights, this article shares different realities around Chinese consumers and shares potential actions to tap into uncovered consumer potential in China.

Market leadership in the digital and customer centric age

Market leadership in the digital and customer centric age

10 June 2020 — As enhanced customer experience, customer centricity and intimacy become increasingly common as a winning strategy across the B2B world, we argue in this article that they no longer provide sufficient and clear strategic direction to drive companies toward market leadership. We also propose a revision to a classic framework on market leaders’ value disciplines in today's digitalized business world.

Optimizing sales managers’ role in digital sales transformations

Optimizing sales managers’ role in digital sales transformations

23 May 2019 — B2B organizations undergoing sales transformations tend to focus on improving digital tools and training for salespeople with insufficient guidance for sales managers. In this article, we discuss typical challenges in managing sales and what it takes for sales managers to both support and succeed personally in digital transformations.

Increasing agility in decision-making to improve competitiveness

Increasing agility in decision-making to improve competitiveness

3 October 2018 — Corporations must increasingly be agile and timely decisions are critical to initiate changes. Complex organizational structures, management by consensus and unstructured decision-making processes hinder agility in decision-making.

Reddal Talks: Breaking out of a gridlocked industry

Reddal Talks: Breaking out of a gridlocked industry

6 November 2017 — Companies in traditional industries often face a gridlock with low growth and a saturated market. Unless decisive moves are taken by the management, breaking out of this cycle is challenging.

Dynamic pricing - a little understood tool for boosting growth

Dynamic pricing - a little understood tool for boosting growth

26 September 2017 — Dynamic pricing is a powerful, yet underutilized revenue management tool with applicability across industries. Many companies lack understanding of the value of dynamic pricing, or the requirements to implement it.

Digital B2B customer portals – leveraging B2C learnings in the B2B world

Digital B2B customer portals – leveraging B2C learnings in the B2B world

15 September 2017 — With the increasing importance of customer experience across industries, B2B companies can differentiate by borrowing from the B2C playbook and simplifying their customer interface, facilitating relationship management, and developing digital customer portals.