Per Stenius

Per Stenius

Client Director

Client Director with over 20 years of experience in corporate strategy, PE, new business building and transformations. Currently focusing on private equity related projects in Europe and Asia.

Insights by Per Stenius
Ensuring the value creation of your growing ICT investments through continuous portfolio management

Ensuring the value creation of your growing ICT investments through continuous portfolio management

21 June 2011 — The importance of information and communication technology is increasing in all companies. Still, many companies are not monitoring value creation of ICT investments. In this article we describe why the importance and difficulty of ICT portfolio management has increased and what kinds of actions are needed to ensure the value creation of ICT investments.

Securing the growth of an SME – understanding value creation

Securing the growth of an SME – understanding value creation

17 April 2011 — A systematic value creation mindset is often absent in small and medium sized enterprises. Value creation builds on alternative returns. Investing in a business should result in better returns than what is available through other investment vehicles. The target of any company should always be, not maximizing revenues or profits alone, but maximizing profits (cash flow) with as little capital invested as possible.

Achieving a collaborative and continuous strategy process

18 October 2010 — In the wake of recent market turmoil, the strategy process is again getting increased attention. There is much talk about flexibility, scenario analyses and the need for a collaborative and continuous strategy process that is integrated into operative planning and execution. However, achieving such a process requires implementation to be done in ways that have perhaps not been considered yet.