Per Stenius

Per Stenius

Client Director

Client Director with over 20 years of experience in corporate strategy, PE, new business building and transformations. Currently focusing on private equity related projects in Europe and Asia.

Insights by Per Stenius
B2B productization for improved sales process efficiency and demand validation

B2B productization for improved sales process efficiency and demand validation

19 December 2014 — Sales and marketing competences are often still at a premature stage in many Finnish technology-oriented companies. In this article the concept and basic approach of B2B productization is presented and illustrated with some real-life case examples from a Finnish technology company.

Opportunities looming in the financial technology startup jungle

Opportunities looming in the financial technology startup jungle

16 December 2014 — The financial services sector, long known for its conservatism and lack of innovation, is facing a revolution driven by companies inventing new efficient ways to execute the tasks many feel are too slow, complex and costly.

Effective digital business building through growth KPIs and digital marketing

Effective digital business building through growth KPIs and digital marketing

2 October 2014 — Identifying and optimizing the growth KPIs of your product or service is critical to properly structure an effective digital marketing strategy. When businesses focus on a few key actionable metrics, the limited resources can be optimized to maximize impact in both marketing and overall growth.

Lessons learned from policy support for academic-industry collaborative startups in Finland

Lessons learned from policy support for academic-industry collaborative startups in Finland

23 July 2014 — We review lessons learned from the development of Finland’s venture capital and private equity ecosystem development, and what insights this could provide to South Korean government.

Building a global perspective through international expansion – opportunism, virality and agility

Building a global perspective through international expansion – opportunism, virality and agility

26 June 2014 — Our mission at Reddal has always been to contribute to the growth of companies of all sizes globally. During our four years of operations and two years of international expansion, our mission has remained fundamentally the same but has become deeper and more insightful as we have gained more experience of global operations

Improving decision-making by including uncertainty in budgets

14 April 2014 — Quantifying and estimating project and investment results are very important for financial planning, investment comparison and decision making purposes. However, business is always conducted in an uncertain environment while financial planning is commonly done using single-value revenue and cost-side estimates, which managers assess using rules of thumb. In this article, we present an approach where the best, base and the worst case scenarios are used to improve the estimates.

A data-driven approach to validate product-market fit with early adopters

A data-driven approach to validate product-market fit with early adopters

14 April 2014 — Finding product-market fit is a prerequisite for any early-stage company to achieve fast-growth. This requires a data-driven approach towards product iteration. In this article, we introduce practical methodologies and tools that we have successfully used to test and achieve product-market fit.

Applying an iterative “lean startup” approach to geographic expansion

2 October 2013 — “Lean Startup” is an increasingly prevalent doctrine for startups around the world. In addition to product development, the lean startup ideas and best practices can be applied in corporations more broadly especially for new corporate business ventures and, particularly, market expansion for globally ambitious companies.